Politics Web

We use your Personal Information only for providing and improving the Site. By using the Site, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy.

Politics Games

NoGlow Games(hereinafter, the “Company”) may obtain our customers’ important personal information for the following purposes;

-To provide the most appropriate services to our customers.

-To conduct internal research and surveys. 

The Company acknowledges that it shall bear obligation to appropriately use and manage any information that can be tracked to a specific individual such as name, address, phone number, and email address.

Therefore, the Company hereby declares that it shall implement the following efforts in carrying out its business:

1. The Company shall appropriately acquire, use and provide personal information that may be handled in the course of its business, and will not handle the same beyond the scope necessary for achieving the specified purpose of use. If the Company handles personal information beyond the scope of the purpose of use, it shall obtain the consent of the relevant individual in advance.

2. The Company shall comply with any laws and regulations, guidelines and other rules concerning personal information.

3. The Company shall take reasonable protection and corrective measures against any unauthorized access to, or leakage, loss, damage, falsification, etc. of personal information.

4. The Company shall promptly respond to any complaint or query from customers concerning personal information.

5. Efforts for Personal Information Protection (Management System for Personal Information Protection)

To ensure that the protection of personal information is appropriately implemented, the Company shall review and improve its efforts therefor on a continuous basis.

Contact Information


Handling of Personal Information

1. The Company uses personal information to manage information related to users of mobile content

2. The Company will not provide personal information acquired from customers to a third party unless required by applicable laws and regulations or the consent of the relevant individual has been obtained.

3. The Company may outsource the handling of personal information only to a company selected by the Company as being qualified according to the Company’s standards.

4. The Company may use cookies for convenient use of mobile content; however, it does not connect cookie information to the relevant personal information.

5. If you have any inquiries or complaints concerning personal information related to notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, modification, addition or deletion, discontinuation of use, erasure, or discontinuation of provision to a third party, feel free to reach us at the following.

Contact Information

NoGlow Studio

E-mail:jaumaras@hotmail.com +34699501082